الخميس، 27 مارس 2014

King Merneptah Tomb ( Valley Of The Kings )

Tomb Of King Merneptah
Valley of The Kings

statue of Merneptah - Luxor museum 

  King Merneptah In Louvre museum

Tomb Map


Modern approach path leading to tomb entrance

Isis and Nephthys adoring setting sun

Nephthys adoring the sun disk

Sun disk containing scarab and ram-headed man adored by Isis and Nephthys

Isis adoring the sun disk

Western Goddess, Heh_ Merenptah's cartouches_ ceiling recess

God Heh

Litany of Ra modern steps and railing

Litany of Ra forms of Ra

Book of Gates fourh division P fifth hour H middle register scene 27

Litany of Ra, forms of Ra_ Book of the Dead, spell 151 Anubis jackal and kneeling figure of Isis

Merenptah receiving life from Horus

Litany of Ra inscription reading true of voice

Book of Gates, fourth division (Pfifth hour H lower register scene 30 Syrian and Nubian two of th

Book of Gates, fourth division P fifth hour H middle register scene 26 solar bark12

Book of Gates, third division P fourth hour H scene 20 hour goddess

Book of Gates, third division P fourth hour H upper and middle registers scenes 17 and 20

Cartouche-shaped sarcophagus lid on modern supports, calcite plinth and pit emplacement

Mehen serpent holding tail in mouth_ Nephthys kneeling on gold symbol, flanked by figures from Bo

Sculpted figure of Merenptah on cartouche-shaped lid surronded by protective mehen serpent and c2

Cartouche-shaped sarcophagus lid with winged Isis resting on calcite plinth decorated with Merenp

Door jamb replacement blocks inscribed with cartouches and Horus name

Replacement blocks for cut away door jambs inscribed with cartouches

Sculpted figure of Nut

Traces of Merenptah and deities_ outer sarcophagus lid on modern support.

Book of Gates first division P second hour H 1

Book of Gates first division P second hour H Osiris in gateway Imydwat fifth hour

Book of Gates first division P second hour h scenes 5-6

Mummy of Merenptah upper body

Mummy of Merenptah head (rear view

Wrapped mummy of Merenptah and his pelvis

Stela of victory